Rainbow Reva’s is a highly curated collection of books centering social and racial justice and uplifting BIPOC and LGBTQ+ authors and illustrators. Rainbow Reva’s mission is to empower humans of all ages and identities with the confidence to be themselves and equip them with a love for humanity and the planet. 

Reva Canali (she/her) began curating books in 2020 after she readdressed books in her own home library. She focused on reading books to her children that centered on racial justice, consent, gender, and kindness. With enthusiasm, she shifted her handmade business to a bookshop. She started curating kids books and selling the books at markets—and now Rainbow Reva’s offers books for all ages.  

Reva is currently going to graduate school at Emporia State University to obtain her master's degree in library science. She is stoked for her summer courses—Resources & Services for Underserved Populations and Advocacy and Information Organizations. She is excited to learn, grow, and develop the skills required to become a librarian who is a fierce advocate for her community. Reva is a firm believer in intellectual freedom, bringing book joy to all, and striving for an equitable world. 

Reva also works at an elementary school as a paraeducator. This coming fall she will transition to work as a paraeducator for an ECE (Early Childhood Education) classroom.  Reva is a proud single (co)parent to two growing changemakers. Her hope is that they will grow up always believing in themselves, dream big, be curious learners, and that they will continue to be kind, empathetic humans. Reva loves reading (especially with her kids), taking small adventures, drinking tea, and drawing unicorns. Reva is an empathetic individual who cares strongly about justice, equality, and inclusion.